Rise 360: How to Use Sorting Activity Blocks

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Drag, drop, repeat. Learners can test their knowledge with sorting activity blocks, sorting items into categories with fun drag-and-drop interactions.

Sorting activities are ungraded, but learners see feedback as soon as they drop items onto categories. A check mark appears when an item is dropped on the correct target, then the item disappears. If learners drop an item on the wrong target, it momentarily shakes, then returns to its starting position so they can try again. Once they’re finished, they’ll see how many they got right on the first attempt.

  1. Insert a Sorting Activity Block
  2. Add and Edit Categories and Items
  3. Modify the Block Settings
  4. Accessibility Information

Step 1: Insert a Sorting Activity Block

  1. Open a Rise 360 course, then edit an existing lesson or create a new one.
  2. Select sorting from the blocks shortcut bar.
  3. Click the insert block icon that appears when you mouse over a boundary between blocks.
  4. From the sidebar, choose the Interactive category, then select Sorting Activity.

Step 2: Add and Edit Categories and Items

You can add up to four categories to your interaction and an unlimited number of items in each category.

  1. Hover over the block to access the left-hand design toolbar. Click the Content icon.
    Modify the title of each sample category and the text of each sample item. Items can have up to 80 characters of text (no images). Learn more about character limits.
  2. Click the Add an Item button to add more items in each category.
  3. Click the New Category button to add more categories.
  4. To delete a category or item, hover over it and click the trash icon that appears.
  5. Click Close in the upper right corner to return to your block lesson.

Step 3: Modify the Block Settings

Modify how your content looks on the screen by hovering over an existing block to access the left-hand design toolbar. Click the Style icon to access block background options. You also have the option to maintain a white background for cards when you modify the block background. The Format menu provides options for changing the padding. 

Accessibility Information

Sorting Activity blocks are currently inaccessible. We recommend not using them when creating accessible content. If you do use this block, include a preceding text block that contains instructions and sets expectations, but please note that this interaction does not include status messages. Additionally, conduct testing with keyboard navigation and screen readers. If you update the background color, check contrast colors to ensure text is readable. 

Looking for more accessibility design tips or resources? Check out the following: